Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Insert Whitty Title Here

Lots o meals to catch up on! Big events happening at the Coffee Jones household, but that'll have to wait for now...

Friday's Meal Lamb Patties with Garlic & Mint over Mediterranean Chopped Salad (RR365, #89)

Backstory Frazzled and Nervous

Preparation Easy, and flexible w/ respect to veggies/herbs. Some of the fresh herbs on my Peapod order didn't get delivered, but tweaked the recipe to what was on hand. This one's a no brainer, just what I needed. I used Penzey's Turkish Blend to make it more authentically middle eastern.

Results Good, but overshadowed by delivering Big News to the littlest Coffee Beans.
Rerun Potential Will re-run for sure.

Monday's Meal Grilled Halibut Tacos with Guacamole Sauce (RR2, p. 154)

Backstory As is normally the case on Mondays, I needed a quick grocery store run, so might as well buy some fish! No halibut today, so I used Haddock. Got 3 avocados, could have done fine with 2. Skipped the rice and beans that were recommended along with this recipe, focusing on fish, tortillas, greens, a red pepper, some cheese, and of course the guacamole "sauce".

Preparation Another no brainer. (Sense a trend here?) Made the guac. a bit more like my usual recipe. Used sour cream instead of yogurt.

Results Too, too delicous. The fish was great, seasoned with salt, pepper & lime. The guac was sublime.

Rerun Potential Look for it soon, it was that good.

Sneak Peek: Vodka Cream Pasta Sauce tonight!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year

Today is a 2-fer, as I was busy last night being exhausted and playing with my new cell phone...

Tuesday's Meal Pancetta-Wrapped Shrimp Supper Salad (RR365, #319)

Backstory We were in recovery from the final holiday whirlwind. Hit the grocery store for shrimp (post New Year's Day Closeout Sale on shellfish, I guess) and pancetta. Lot O Stress in the Jones family due to Upcoming Major Life Event.

Preparation OK, so I had a few phone calls to make and receive, so wrapping the slices of pancetta on the jumbo (actually just "large" if you ask me) shrimp, "barber pole style", while talking on the phone was just not going to happen. So I kind of just smooshed each shrimp into a half moon of pancetta and secured with a toothpick. OK, I know it was supposed to be raw shrimp, not pre-cooked. Do you know how much RAW JUMBO SHRIMP costs? Please. Yes, I know it was supposed to be a salad with two kinds of greens and some artichoke hearts, but I was in a hurry and only got salad-in-a-bag. And yes, my shallots were, shall we say, expired, so I had to use fresh garlic.

Results No complaints from the Jones family, despite all of the cut corners mentioned above. Really, who in my family will complain about shrimp wrapped in pork? Mmm, it was good. Just not elegant or of the utmost quality.

Rerun Potential Seriously, I'll try this one as written someday soon.

Wednesday's Meal Spring Chicken with Leeks and Peas, served with Lemon Rice (RR365, #121)

Backstory With my regular Peapod grocery delivery safely done, I was somewhat more prepared to follow the recipe as indicated. This one is a winner, and I'm kind of surprised I hadn't tried it already. Wished Granny Jones was here tonight, she would _love_ this one! Another fairly stressful day, with plenty to grumble about and the dreaded INVENTORY going on in the Studio. Making dinner was a pleasure. Beanette made "oobleck" (not a Rachel Ray recipe, to be sure) at the butcher block while I cooked. (Ooobleck = cornstarch plus water)

Preparation Delightfully easy. Got the leeks (Thank you, Peapod, for sending me two BUNCHES of leeks instead of two leeks. Jerks.) chopped and soaking first off. Had to nuke some chicken breast, but managed not to singe the edges too badly. Managed to spill a nice amount of rice across the counter, but Beanette used it in her oobleck, so no harm done. Seriously, that lemon rice (broth, zest, oil) is delish. Uncorked some white wine for deglazing, which should't be skipped -- really works with the chicken and leeks.

Results Nice. Yes, boneless chicken breast can only taste so good, but the dish is really pretty (leeks, peas, parsley) and satisfying. Such a nice change from all the pasta and ground beef I've been cooking with lately.

Rerun Potential Will do again, for sure.

Sneak Peek: no cooking tonight, but on deck for Friday is Lamb Patties with Mediterranean Salad (RR365, #89).