Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Still Cookin'

Wednesday's Meal Smoked Salmon (RRGR*, p. 145)

Backstory It's pleasantly warm, this side of bearable tonight. I'm glad I planned something cool and easy. The kids and I walked down to Wilson Farms to get some of the produce. This is easy and relaxed summer meal. My days don't seem easy and relaxed to me, but I'd say we had a pretty good day at Camp Mummy (playdate, swimming, gymnastics).

Preparation Easy. Almost a no-cook, but for the hard boiled eggs. For whatever reason, my hard boiled eggs were somewhat soft, so I served them individually instead of quartered with the greens and dressing. I was doubtful about a dressing made w/ cherry tomatoes, but after throwing it in w/ the greens, it didn't matter. I did use about 2x the salmon, knowing my family's greed healthy appetite.

Results A definite winner. The boy loved it. Granny Jones was happy, as usual. No complaints from Mr. Jones, either. Beanette was a little busy pushing things around her plate, but that's her normal way.

Rerun Potential Hmmm, I'm thinking tomorrow? I could make this once a week and they'd be happy.

Sneak Peek Tomorrow is Granny Jones' moving day and baseball, so dinner is somewhat up in the air. Friday is some kind of hazelnut crusted chicken.

*RRGR = Rachael Ray Get Real 30 Minute Meals, aka the Low Carb book. Surprisingly good, and anyone who knows me knows I care not for the low carb craze. I was just getting kind of weary of the first 3.


At 5:40 AM, Blogger Magdalen said...

Hey, I'm still reading! You are an inspiration, and when I stop making this silly quilt for my loser cousin (tee hee), I'll get back to my blog. In the meantime, though, could I make a request? Could you describe the dish just a tad more so I (your faithful reader) have a better idea what you're serving. Some of us don't have ALL of Ra-Ray's books, y'know.


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